
Getting a start-up off the ground can be a relentless and mostly thankless task.

Sometimes it’s good to have a safe place to say out loud the things that keep you up at night:

The “Fill Your Cup” surgery provides a space to explore with objectivity and to gain perspective.

The perspective you gain will allow you to understand and work with the stakeholders around you productively; take decisions with confidence; and, regain energy that was being sapped by unhelpful self-talk.


Fill Your Cup surgery takes place on the 1st Tuesday of each month at noon and lasts for 1.5 hours.

There’s a max of 5 participants at each surgery (Chatham House Rules) and sessions will be facilitated by a qualified coach – Ola Molade – who will assist all participants by drawing out potential and options in situations described; and, by supporting participants to regain perspective and motivation.

🎟️ 🎟️ Sign up for the surgery here - tickets are members only, first come, first served 🎟️ 🎟️

About Ola

Ola Molade is a Coach, Speaker & Author working with leaders who aim to make a difference, whilst continuing to thrive from a physical and mental wellbeing perspective.

Ola’s background includes over 25 years’ experience working in financial services running multi- million £ change programmes; running her own business supporting fast growing businesses to scale effectively; and, bringing up 2 children. Ola is a qualified nutritionist, a life coach, & a published author.

Ola came to coaching having had first-hand experience of how coaching can open up new possibilities and opportunities, which allowed her to resolve situations that had seemed completely impossible. The transformational effects coaching had on her life led her to explore coaching further and become an accredited coach herself.

Ola believes that everything is connected. All the inputs that come into our lives – the messages we hear, the beliefs we embrace, the foods we eat, the company we keep, and so on – all impact on how we experience life…

Ola works with her clients to illuminate how much choice we all have over the inputs we accept in our lives so these choices can be utilised to create a different/enhanced experience. Ola’s sweet spot is enabling clients recognise how much control they really have over situations that might seem impenetrable and providing them with tools to bring fresh perspective and objectivity to each and every situation. Outcome is always improved resilience and increased energy.